Volunteers Needed

The 2022 Cooper Estates Civic Club Annual Spring Meeting is being held this year on Sunday, March 27th.  We are actively seeking volunteers who are interested in being on the board and running for a position on the board.  In addition, we are also looking for volunteers to help head up committees that can help improve the landing.  As an example, we are looking for interested members to lead and/or help with a Bi-Laws/Constitution committee.  This committee would be responsible to help review and update the CECC Bi-Laws and Constitution as they are outdated in their current form.

If you are interested, we would like to include your name on the Spring newsletter which we hope to send out at the end of next week, so please let us know as soon as you are able to.  Just email us at [email protected] with your name and position you are interested in running for and we will be sure to include your name on the ballot!

Please don’t forget to renew your dues before the meeting on the 27th. You can renew your dues by the PayPal link on the CECC web page or by dropping off a check for the dues in the mail to the PO Box. Dues have increased to $250 per year. Paying by PayPal does include the PayPal fees.

Do not forget to mark Sunday, March 27th on your calendar and join us for some oysters, live music and good times.