The group from OBX has reached out to the board members again and inquired about potentially renting the landing again. They apparently need to reshoot part of the scene that was filmed at the landing. They would like to do this on Tuesday, December 1st from 6am – 12pm. They have also requested to rent the landing on Wednesday, December 15 from 6am – 12pm or 12pm – 6pm. If approved, the landing will be closed for use during each of those 6 hour time blocks.
Based on feedback from the previous event, the board would like to bring this to the membership for a (virtual) vote. CECC will be compensated $2,500 for each session for a total of $5,000. These funds will be placed in the CECC account for any future projects or maintenance that needs to be done at the landing.
We are extending the vote due to the Thanksgiving holiday so please vote by Friday, November 27, 2020 at 5pm. Only 1 vote per household/membership will be counted.
-CECC Board